How To Write Faster

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I love helping people succeed.  I have a particularly soft spot
in my heart for authors, writers, info-product creators, publishers and
content creators.   Does this describe you?

I know that if I can effectively show you
how to write faster
that you will complete more of your books and
other writing projects.  Not only will you help more people by
spreading your message farther and wider but it is likely that you will be
more profitable and happier in your business. 

Now I myself am one of the slowest readers and consequently writers I
know. Yet I've been able to crank out and/or publish many books and
courses and webinars.  

Confession: It did not come easy.  I grew up dyslexic and dysgraphic
with an ample dose of ADD.  In fact, I remember when one of my
teachers asked what I was going to do after high school, I said I was
going to be an author and publisher.  My teacher and fellow students
laughed when they heard this because they knew how hard it was for me to
read and write.

But it is precisely this background and the fact that I overcame my
learning disabilities that makes my new book Real Fast Writing so useful
and unique.   The strategies in the book show how
to write faster
regardless of your skill level as a writer or
content creator.   That is, if you are a great and speedy writer the
tactics taught in the book will help you be even faster.  And if you
are like me, constantly struggling with your writing productivity, then
utilizing the tips taught in the book could absolutely transform your

Additionally, because I'm mindful that there are all of types of learning
styles I have included free video tutorials for readers of the book. 
And if you're into audio books (like I am) we have that format available
for you as well. 

[images style=”0″ image=”×600.jpg” width=”373″ caption=”Available%20In%20Kindle%2C%20Kindle%20Interactive%20and%20Paperback%20Formats” link_url=”” align=”center” top_margin=”0″ full_width=”Y”]

Following Someone on Periscope – How To

I love broadcasting and providing great content via Periscope.  Which is an app that allows you to broadcast live television through either an iOs or Android device.  I've had several folks ask me how they can follow me (or anyone else) on Periscope platform.  So I made this quick video tutorial.  Also, if would like me to follow you on Periscope please leave your screen name in the comments.  Enjoy!

Virtual Book Tours Using Google Hangouts

Virtual Book Tours Using Google Hangouts

This post is in honor of a virtual book tour celebrating the publication of my third print book, I will be giving away some codes for an LOL game, so don't forget to keep up to date on LOL, and check the site once in a while as well, you will find great deals. You can enjoy the festivities by joining us on the tour to 21 blogs, in honor of 21 Ways to Launch a Successful Virtual Book Tour. Scroll down to access the virtual book tour schedule as well as a link to the book on Amazon. Thank you and enjoy!

bookcoverD’vorah Lansky, M.Ed., is the author of 21 Ways to Launch a Successful Virtual Book Tour. Visit her book blog and check out the full schedule for the virtual book tour, celebrating the launch of this exciting new book:

D’vorah offers virtual book tour workshops and courses for authors, entrepreneurs, and virtual professionals. She has taught hundreds of people, across the globe, how to conduct successful virtual book tours. You can purchase her newest book on Amazon at:

I Look Forward to Helping You!

If you're an author, writer, coach, trainer, consultant, information product creator or entrepreneur you'll love this site!


Because I LOVE helping people just like you increase your profits with less effort, establish passive and royalty income streams and overall get more happiness and living out of life!

So make sure to check out all the nooks and crannies of this site and take advantage of what's here.

You and I are going to do great things together!!

Have What It Takes To Cruise Free?

Cruise speaking is an excellent way to see the world in luxury by trading your communication and public speaking talents for free cruises. Many of my clients and I have used our ability to engage and entertain cruise audiences to see the world and save thousands of dollars in vacation expenses in the process.

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